
Weimaraners thoughts

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The Pointer

I am an avid deer hunter, but I don’t use a dog or dogs to hunt anything. so it makes sense that I don’t spend time training this dog to hunt, or time honing her hunting skills.
There must be some instincts that are bred into these dogs that just come natural to them. The art of pointing game or birds is one of those skills.
The first time I noticed her pointing, she was in the back yard standing on three legs, with one of her front feet bent up at the elbow, and her paw tucked up neatly. Her head was slightly down, looking straight ahead. Her nub of a tail was sticking straight out. The top of her head, her back, and her nubby tail were all in a perfect line. I do believe, had this been in a field trial, she would have won the prize for form if nothing else.
At the end of the majestic point, about five feet away was an unsuspecting Robin.
Each time I have seen her in a point, her style has been flawless. Perfect concentration. The next time, she was pointing a toad. Just the other day she was pointing the neighbor’s little Chihuahua.

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Mighty Hunting Dogs

These dogs were originally bred in the Weimar region of Germany to be the all around elite hunting dog.
They have webbed feet like a Lab. Love water. They have a short haired smooth coat that water runs off of. They have extra keen senses including smell, sight, and hearing. Fantastic natural ability to point and retrieve.
Here’s the problem (s.)
This dog loves to lay down in the water, or mud, but she hates to swim. If the water gets up to her neck she panics. We ran into a lady at the park that was throwing a ball into one of the lakes and her dog would jump in and swim out to get the ball and bring it back so they could do it again.
It looked like fun so I took Saffron’s leash off so she could have some fun also. The lady threw the ball and Saffron splashed out into the water until it was up to her neck. Then she stood there until the waves brought the ball to her ! She did bring it back though.
SENSE of SMELL… We were at the park again and she caught a scent in the wind. She started pulling me as hard as she could. I wonder sometimes if I can keep up with her. We went over a hundred yards across a grassy field and ended up at a large water turtle. Who knows where he was going.
More about hunting later.

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Love Your Weimaraner.

First of all, I will share my feelings on ‘owning’ dogs and other pets.
If you plan on purchasing or adopting a dog, or you should happen across one that has lost its way and you can’t find its owner so you decide to keep it, You have to interact with the critter on a human and humane way. For example, if you are going to make it stay in a kennel all the time, You may as well buy a prisoner! This is even more intensified with these wonderful dogs known as Weimaraners. They absolutely have to have human interaction.

I am hoping to share some usually humorous stories about Saffron, and I am sure that anyone that has a Weimy has tales to share. They are very intelligent, but maybe the strangest thinking dogs I have ever encountered.
I have compared Saffron to my youngest daughter who is strong willed and also a little strange thinking.